E2_EN_Cover_Top 5 business outcomes


Why should you implement MDM in your business?

Through MDM (Master Data Management) you would be able to create a master repository of validatedcomplete, and trusted data that you could then propagate to execute operationally and fulfill stakeholder and customer needs. 

This guide will help you understand your business’s processes that will be impacted positively by the time you implement MDM.

What could you find on this ebook?

You will find key insights and specific solutions on how Master Data Management can help maximize your business growth and reduce costs:

  • According to Gartner, good data quality can save companies up to $12.9M a year.

  • According to Forrester businesses can increase revenue in $1.6M by improving efficiency of sales operations with MDM initiatives.

  • Based on Dun & Bradstreet collaborative reports, companies implementing data management to improve account-based engagement experiment a $4.0M incremental income.

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